Bylaws & Objectives
Below are the bylaws for our park association adopted June 26, 2023. They include the three objectives of the association.
The tone is meant to be neighbors cooperating with each other rather than a formal organization with rules and regulations.

Article 1: The name of this association shall be Cascade Park Estates Home Owners Association and operate as Cascade Park Estates/Village Residents Association.
Hereafter called the park.
Article 2: Objectives shall be:
1. to represent the interests and concerns of members with a unified voice in regard to all issues relating to their homes in the Park.
2. to actively pursue and coordinate opportunities for members to help each other as good neighbors including communication, social events and mutual assistance.
3. to be available as a tenant’s organization to attempt to purchase the Park should it become available for purchase.
Article 3: All residents and home owners of the park become members by registering their contact information with the Secretary and shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges thereof.
1. The Annual Meeting of the members shall be held in June of each year at such date, hour and place as the Board may designate, for the purpose of electing Directors and Officers and transacting such business as may be properly brought before the meeting.
Section 2. Special meetings of the members shall be held whenever called by the Board of Directors.
Section 3. Notice of the time and place of meetings of the members shall be sent to each member not less than seven, nor more than twenty-eight days before the date of said meeting.
Article 4: The elected officers shall be President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer, each elected annually from the membership. On or before the Annual meeting of the Association, the Board of Directors shall accept nominations and shall determine whether nominees will consent to serve if elected.
Article 5: The Association shall be governed by the Board of Directors.
- The Board of Directors shall consist of the three elected officers and four other elected members.
- All Officers and Directors must be members of the association.
- The Board shall meet regularly and with reasonable advance notice.
- Four of the members of the Board of Directors present shall constitute a quorum at a Board meeting. Attending virtually is equivalent to being present.
- All resignations shall be made in writing and addressed to the President.
- Any vacancy occurring among the Officers and Directors before the next Annual Meeting shall be filled by a vote of the remaining Board Members.
Article 6: These Bylaws may be amended by majority vote at Annual Meeting or by majority of the Board of Directors.
Last revised June 25, 2023
Love this. Thank you Michael.
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