
Bunco Saved

Julie Putnam, Space 133, has once again stepped into the breach to save the day. She says,

I have decided to have Bunco this Thursday. night. I know it’s late notice but thought I would put it out there and see if anyone is up for a couple hours of fun and a game or two.

Thursday, September 28, 6 P.M.

Watch for an October date–it may change from Thursday–if you have a preferred date let Julie know, or comment below

Space # 133– (you know the house with the best dressed Lions)

More from Julie & Earle: “Bring your favorite drink, a small snack/finger food and your Dollar (prize money for the pot) and drop by.

Bunco is a fun, silly game and the conversation is great.

RSVP is not required, Come as You Are!”

9/29 Update: “It was a great evening; nice mix of chat, game and food. Thanks to all who participated.”

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