Residents Association
August Update: The Park has had a flurry of security issues lately. The association officers our taking various steps to respond and to improve the park security situation. This Bulletin was distributed to all homes in the park.
If you have experienced any suspicious activity that you think your neighbors should know about, please report it with our Resident’s Report form and one of the officers will follow-up.
June 26, 2023 is the birth date of Cascade Park Estates Home Owners Association operating as Cascade Park Estates/Village Residents Association. For officers, directors and meeting minutes see First Meeting Minutes.
For Objectives and bylaws see Bylaws.
Why the convoluted name? See What’s in a Name?
If you are a resident of this park and have not registered your email to receive the Newsletter or at the organizing meeting, contact Michael. Also if you don’t use email and would like to receive notice of future events by text message or phone call contact Michael.
Board Meeting Minutes:
First Meeting, July 16, 2023