
Board Minutes October 29, 2023

Attendance: David Leathers (by Zoom), Linda Huettl (by Zoom), Michael Shepherd, Cheryl Good, Elaine Meyers

Meeting opened about 1:30 P.M. Previous minutes were approved.

Discussion of three different outreaches to state government:
1) “Impact letters” requested by AMHO for presentation to Gov. Enslee and Rep. Ramel
2) Letter in support of proposed bill for rent control
3) Complaints through Attorney General’s Manufactured Housing Dispute Resolution Program

Caroling event organized by Cheryl for Dec. 16th: Letters and notices to go out.

Discussed various problems with Park management’s Rent Café and individual workarounds.

Discussion of continuing efforts to contact Park management. Michael will draft a letter to owners listing some specific concerns that need addressing.

Discussion of fire hydrant maintenance. Fire department told Linda it was responsibility of City of Vancouver Utility Services, who have not flushed hydrants since 2020.

Discussion of Neighbors Helping Neighbors Program: Elaine had prepared draft letter to go out to every resident by direct delivery by board members and volunteers. Elaine will finalize for delivery.

Meeting ended abruptly about 2:20 due to Zoom time expiring. Next meeting tentatively set for December 3rd.

Link to Previous Board Meeting Minutes

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