
Board Meeting Minutes

Board Minutes                 March 3, 2024                 1:30 P.M.

Attendance:  Board Members:  David Leathers, Linda Huettl, Michael Shepherd, Elaine Meyers, Margaret Fedje. Resident: Karin Shepherd

Minutes were approved as distributed and published.

Discussion of old business:  Newsletter drafting still in progress.

          Still trying to contact ROC about parameters of feasible park purchase.

          Still looking for replacement board member.  We will publicize vacancy.

          Discussion of Helping Neighbors program. Consensus was to keep criteria general and then review case by case requests for appropriateness.  Door-to-door presentation and distribution probably in April or in preparation for annual meeting in June.

          Each board member present signed up for at least one mail box stack and its assigned spaces.  The remaining two will be assigned to Janet and the new board member 😊

  1. New board member
  2. Margaret Fedje
  3. David Leathers
  4. Linda Huettl
  5. Elaine Meyers
  6. Elaine Meyers
  7. Michael Shepherd
  8. Janet Mauldin

Discussion of door-to-door flyers by AMHO.  Consensus that information was inaccurate and ineffective. Margaret was designated board liaison to AMHO.

Discussion of new business:  Linda suggested Firstenburg Community Center as a possible site for annual meeting.  Elaine said chances were good that the East Woods Presbyterian church would be available for a small janitorial fee.  She will check availability for June 17, 18, or 20.

          Members were enthusiastic about holding another Swap Meet/Walk About.  Linda will set that up for weekend of May 18.

 David asked the question:  What else can we be doing as an association? 

He took the initiative of setting up the March lunch meeting on March 21, 11:30 at Black Bear Diner.

Discussion of a music event with volunteer musicians and a summer social in the park.

Linda reminded that for things like developing potholes in the streets can be reported on Rent Café’.

Next board meeting on April 21, 1:30 P.M. at Linda’s home, Space 94.

Links to previous Board Meeting Minutes

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