
December Board Meeting

Dec 3, 2023 1:30 P.M.

Attendance: David Leathers, Linda Huettl, Michael Shepherd, Elaine Meyers, Janet Mauldin, Margaret Fedje, Karin Shepherd, Chuck Mauldin

Minutes of previous meeting approved. Linda added that the fire hydrants are scheduled to be flushed in March 2024.

Discussion of caroling event and possible weather disruption. Linda will take on job of coordinating, perhaps involving Mary and Jim, Space 110 who belong to Vancouver Chorale. She will also post notices on mailboxes.

Big thanks to mail carrier who put space numbers on the mail boxes that did not have them for easier notification of people in the future.

The board would like to see more notifications from residents of events and charity drives in which they are involved. More “holiday happenings” for all the holidays.

Discussion of letter to be individually delivered to all residents asking for contact information to be part of “Neighbors Helping Neighbors”. Michael will design a letterhead for Elaine to use in the letter.

Discussion of next letter to owners how best to word it to get a positive reaction. Michael will combine suggestions and send the letter.

Discussion of upcoming legislative session and how to support proposed rent control bill.

David proposed we have a park wide meeting in January in order to report on association progress. Discussion centered around a space big enough. Several suggestions were made for further follow-up.

Next meeting scheduled for Jan 14, 2024 at Janet and Chuck’s, Space 148

Link to previous meetings minutes

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