
Board First Meeting

Cascade Park Residents Association
Board of Directors Meeting July 16, 2023
Called to Order at 3:05 P.M. by President David Leathers
Also Present: VP Linda Huettl, Sec./Treas. Michael Shepherd, Directors Elaine Meyers, Margaret Fedje, Janet Mauldin, Non-directors Chuck Mauldin and Karin Shepherd
Director Cheryl Good prearranged her absence.
David commented on good attendance at our parkwide meeting and the positive results therefrom.
He announced that we are invited to the HOA meeting at Woodland East Community in Woodland, WA on August 26th. He and others plan on attending to learn from their experience.
Discussion of field cutting for area between the park and 164th/162nd.
Sec. Michael announced the state registration of our association under the name in the Bylaws. It was moved, seconded and carried that we open a bank account at Umpqua Bank with Linda, Margaret and Michael as signors. Two signatures of the three for transactions.
Michael volunteered to write a notice about our Facebook group and our website to submit to Peggy Clements for publication in the newsletter.
He will also draft a letter to provide formal notice of our association to the owners and request a meeting to discuss subjects such as the gate, fields, water shut-off and after-hours emergency phone number.
David will contact those who volunteered to help others to establish what skills are available to offer.
Regarding events to hold, the conversation centered on a community wide “garage sale”. There have been numerous sales the last few months, some of which caused traffic and parking concerns. So consensus was not to advertise for outsiders other than word of mouth to family and friends.
Then there was a wide-ranging discussion of contacting 100% of park residents considering many do not use email and several do not want their phone numbers public. How do we overcome privacy concerns and mistrust to deliver benefits—such as events and welfare checks. We will look into establishing a phone tree as well as posting notices on the mail box stands. Several board members volunteered to contact each resident; the park to be divided by mail box stands. Dubbed “Project Neighbor Watch”
Meeting adjourned at approximately 4:30 P.M.
Submitted by Michael Shepherd, Secretary

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