AND SWAP YOUR “STUFF” (or sell if you wish)
Our event last September was so successful–that is, enjoyed by those who participated–that we are repeating in May.
Saturday, May 18 and Sunday, May 19
10 am to 4 pm
To shorten the walk and encourage everyone to participate, on Saturday the homes from the entrance gate to the stop signs will put out their “stuff” and on Sunday the homes from the stop signs to the end of the park will put out their “stuff”.
Everyone set up their own space in your garage, carport or driveway or combine with a neighbor & let’s all get together.
For more information, please contact Linda, Space 94, or comment below.
** Please note this is not a public event but for residents only. Organized by Cascade Park Residents Association
Feature Photo by Ashim D’Silva on Unsplash