
Annual Meeting Minutes

June 17, 2024   6 P.M.   at East Woods Presbyterian Church

Called to Order by President David Leathers, Space 127, who gave a quick overview of the association.  Also mentioning the mechanism for possible purchasing of park.  He emphasized the importance of lobbying local governments and legislature for affordable housing and rent stabilization.  He mentioned Board efforts on our Swap & Meet events and Christmas caroling as well as ongoing efforts to gather contact information for better communication when necessary among the residents.  He reminded people of monthly Board meetings and the Facebook page.

Other Board members and Officers were introduced:  Margaret Fedje, Space 139; Andrea Kuehn, Space 5; Elaine Meyers, Space 55; Janet Mauldin, Space 148.

Secretary/Treasurer Michael Shepherd, Space 134, gave the Treasurer’s Report—copy attached–see below.  He also commented on gathering contact information and the survey forms distributed at this meeting.

President David also reiterated the numerous attempts to contact the owners and managers, if any, of the park.

Vice President Linda Huettl, Space 94, reported on various safety issues within the park including weed control, rodent control, fire hydrants and lack of designated shelters for any emergencies that may occur.  She also emphasized that rent stabilization would be back in the next legislature and that our current representatives voted against the bill.  This should be considered when we are voting in the upcoming elections.  In response to a question, people were reminded that in seeking police aid we call the Clark County Sheriff, not Vancouver City Police.

During Open Forum the following points were discussed:

                Who is RV Inn Style?

                Pros, cons, limits on estate sales within the park.

                Christmas light contest announced by Deer Point Meadows.

                AMHO lobbying and other services.

                Light and noise to aid safety.

                Grass cutting in and around the park.

                Speed of commercial vehicles within the park.

                Coordination with other parks that have same and similar issues.

                Various gate malfunctions.

                Existing intra-park activities and events including thanks to Peggy Clements, Space 87, for newsletters and announcements.

                Political and economic situation involved in selling and re-developing parks and what can we do to work together with others.

                Idea of holding a “summer fest” within the park with music, food and whatever.

It was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to re-elect the existing officers and board members.

Meeting adjourned.

Submitted by Michael Shepherd, Sec./Tres.

Treasurer’s Report

7/26/23  Former association cashier’s check deposited                    $1,640.87

7/29/23  Reimburse Michael Shepherd  Check 1001

                                State Registration             $115

                                Registered mail to Owners   5                                      ($120.00)

9/18/23  Reimburse Linda Huettl  Check 1002

                                Printing for Swap Day & Security Bulletin                  ($ 94.54)

6/17/24  Fee for use of church building  Check 1003                               ($ 50.00)

                               BALANCE                                                                    $1,376.33

Minutes of previous annual meeting

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