Elected Representatives
We are in Election Precinct 655 and the Districts listed below. Representatives listed are as of June 1, 2023. We are NOT within the City of Vancouver. Our local government is Clark County Council.
Clark County Council District 3

Contact: https://clark.wa.gov/councilors/write-councilor or boardcom@clark.wa.gov
Karen Dill Bowerman was elected as County Councilor District 3 in November 2020 and took office Jan. 1, 2021. She was elected by the council to serve as chair on Feb. 2, 2022. Prior elected experience was as a Lake Oswego City Councilor and Precinct Committee Officer for several terms.
Karen Dill Bowerman, Ph.D. has more than 30 years of professional experience in higher education as professor of business and service as Dean of the College of Business and Public Administration at California State University, San Bernardino where she was named Dean Emeritus and has an endowed scholarship for management students in her name. She led the College of Business and Public Administration to be named one of the top 18 in the world for innovation by European CEOs. She has worked with business managers at every level in areas of strategic management, legal aspects of human resources management, project management and leadership. Her business background is varied, having owned a small firm, mentored small business owners through Senior Corps of Retired Executives, served as an expert witness or investigator in cases involving compensation or employment-related discrimination and was an examiner for quality for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.
Washington State District 17 Legislators

Ways & Means (Ranking Member, Operating)
Law & Justice

Postsecondary Education & Workforce (Assistant Ranking Minority Member)
Capital Budget
Innovation, Community & Economic Development, & Veterans
Regulated Substances & Gaming
Clark Public Utilities District 2

Nancy Barnes
Commissioner Barnes was first elected in 1992 by District 2 in the East County area. She was re-elected in 1998, 2004, 2010, 2016 and 2022. Her current term expires in 2028. Barnes earned a bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University in English and journalism. She has been involved in numerous community activities, including her neighborhood association and local school district. Barnes is a past president of the Washington Public Utility Districts Association and currently serves as our representative to the Northwest Public Power Association.
Contact is through Customer Service phone number 360-992-3000
Evergreen Public Schools District 3

Victoria Bradford, the President of Comfort Interiors, was elected to the school board in November 1999 to the District 3 slot. She is the mother of two daughters, both products of Evergreen Public Schools. A former bank officer and long-time school volunteer, Ms. Bradford attended Portland State University and Marylhurst College. Prior to joining the board, she served as chair of Evergreen Citizens for Schools, chair of Evergreen Coalition of Parent Organizations, and president of the Harmony Parent/Teacher Association. She is a cofounder of the Quality Education Coalition of Clark County and a member of the Vancouver Downtown Association. She was re-elected to the board in 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015 and 2019.
Contact Victoria: 360-936-8819 You can email the Board of Directors at board.directors@evergreenps.org or contact them at their individual numbers.
Library District: Fort Vancouver Regional Library
Port District: Vancouver Port District 3, Jack Burkman EMAIL
State Weed Board: District 2
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