
Board Meeting Minutes

June 23, 2024                 1:30 P.M.    

Attendance:  Board Members: David Leathers, Linda Huettl, Michael Shepherd, Elaine Meyers, Andrea Kuehn. Residents: Karin Shepherd

Re-cap of Annual Meeting:  Consensus was positive with good turn-out and participation.  Though lessons were learned in limiting amount of time per participant.  At least one potential future board member stood out.

In follow-up Linda called county about neighbor’s grass cutting and fire hydrant maintenance.  Enquiry will be made about bolt cutters being available for emergency use of back gate.

Linda read offer to help with a park directory.  Michael volunteered to update all the information we have from past and recent surveys into one master list.  David and Linda will meet with Peggy, Space 87, about coordinating “newsletter”, announcements and a new association bulletin.

Linda volunteered to take on responsibility for contacting new move-ins.

Consensus that we should work on more visibility for Facebook and web site.  Andrea is still working on association account for Google Docs.

Michael will check with Margaret about holding Summer Fest on Aug. 24 or Sep. 7.  Suggestions welcome for barbeque, beverages, canopy, tables, chairs, and anything else for a good time.

Minutes of both Annual Meeting and May Board meeting were approved as submitted.

Next Board meeting Sunday, July 21, 1:30 P.M. at Linda’s home, Space 94.

Link to previous Board Meeting Minutes

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