
May Board Minutes

May 5, 2024                       1:45 P.M.                            

Attendance:  Board Members: David Leathers, Linda Huettl, Michael Shepherd, Elaine Meyers, Margaret Fedje, Janet Mauldin, Andrea Kuehn. Residents: Karin Shepherd, Chuck Mauldin.  Guest:  Robin Zorich.

After everyone dished up a plate of delicious food provided by hostess Janet, David introduced our guest, Robin Zorich of AMHO and Woodland East MHC.  She reported that the sale between the Werners and unknown buyers closed in April.  The WA Attorney General is taking Werners to court for not giving proper notice to the HOA at Woodland East.  She reported that they had an unsatisfactory experience with ROC Northwest, probably because that group has no experience with large, expensive parks.

Robin recommended we investigate an “overlay” zone to protect the park from being re-developed to some other use.  She also recommended AMHO membership to aid in lobbying legislature.  There was some discussion of pros and cons of being a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  Michael has not pursued this because the expense would require substantial dues and/or donations.

Andrea handled out sample business cards with a new colored logo.  She has had glitches establishing an email and Google account as a nonprofit.

Discussion of annual meeting and agenda therefor.  Outline:

Year in Review

Treasurer’s Report

Upcoming Events

Townhall type forum

Unanimous vote to approve $50 donation to East Woods Church for meeting venue.

Consensus to hold off on establishing staggered terms for board members.

Discussion but no consensus about asking for donations for park events and improvements such as directional signs.

Further discussion about what to include in packets for door-to-door distribution weekend of May 17, 18, 19.  Recommendations were Neighbor Helping Neighbor survey/contact information, flyer for annual meeting including Agenda and business card for the board member for that mailbox zone.  David suggested approach along the lines of:  How would you like us to alert you if the water is to be turned off?

Consensus that the summer social and musical event not be on July 4th.

Next Board meeting Sunday, June 23, 1:30 P.M. at Michael & Karin’s home, Space 134.

Link to other Board Minutes

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